James Bamford, writing in The New York Review in his article "They Know Much More Than You Think," 15 August 2013, informs us:
In 1917, against the will of the vast majority of the American people, the virulent racist and militarist Woodrow Wilson pushed and pulled a reluctant Congress to declare war on Germany, the Austro-Hungarian empire, and the Ottoman empire. He did wanted this war, despite his election campaign assurances in 1916 that he would continue to keep the country out of war, because he wanted the USA to play a greater role on the world stage, to have its Philippines and other overseas possessions extended, and to gain alliances with the British empire, the French empire, and the Russian empire. Votes in Congress were pulled with graft and corruption, pushed with threats, and ultimately were enough.
Meanwhile, in a move consistent with fascist dictatorships elsewhere, Wilson expanded dramatically various domestic espionage and police agencies, including the federal Bureau of Investigation, and created the Black Chamber. He recruited hundreds of thousands of Americans to spy on their neighbours, promote war bonds - financing an overseas war from the savings of ordinary civilians, and sought control over every aspect of American life. Wilson created the first propaganda agency, the Committee on Public Information, started a government operated newspaper, and insisted that propagandists called "four minute men" speak in every cinema during the interval between reel changes in order to foment support for war. Wilson was certainly aware of and almost certainly personally in favour of the riots by his American Protective League of roughly 250,000 war enthusiasts against "immigrants," and hyphenated Americans from Germany, Italy, Ireland, and elsewhere. Black Americans, even black troops, were not safe from the aggressive racism of Wilson's era. When a group of black troops came to the defence of a black woman in Houston being abused by a police officer, rioting ensued, deaths occurred, and over a dozen black soldiers were executed by hanging.
Wilson, a racist, nationalist, militarist ideologue had the government attack labour unions, anarchists, and anyone he or his minions could accuse of anything. He was particularly violent against free speech, a free press, and the other freedoms Americans held dear. He wanted dictatorial control. He wanted war, presumably because he would benefit financially through his relationships with the war contractors, or military "procurement" companies, which these days we call "defense contractor companies" or "aerospace companies" in laughable euphemisms about their role in profiting from the suffering their weapons and munitions inflict.
Wilson had no constitutional authority to spy on Americans, and there were laws, as well as constitutional restrictions, against the things he wanted to do. So he ignored the laws and the constitution and did what he wanted, anyway.
The United States government has never apologised for its actions since at least 1896 in tracking, spying upon, and targeting individuals for their political and philosophical beliefs. It has, however, during the years since, formed a number of police agencies which have long operated as secret police. Instead of openly and transparently enforcing laws and providing every American with the presumption of innocence, access to due process, access to counsel of their choice, and the other rights identified in the constitution's Bill of Rights, including all non-enumerated rights, the government has acted as a fascist dictatorship protecting the interests of oligarchs.
Among his other great crimes against the American people, Wilson was directly responsible for the Palmer Raids of 1919 and 1920, which used information illegally obtained by the secretive Black Chamber to identify, target, and attack Americans and foreign nationals living in America. Both naturalised and native-born Americans were deported, along with various foreign nationals, during the "Red Scare" attacks of that era.
Wilson not only has to take responsibility for his role in the slaughter of American combat troops, both in warfare and by disease, during the First World War, but also is responsible for the failed peace treaty of Versailles. So he had a role in the continual war of the 20th Century, including the Second World War. His racist chief of staff, Mandell House, refused to allow Ho Chi Minh to meet with Wilson in 1919 in Versailles. So Ho went to the Russian delegation, adopted communist slogans, and started his war for independence. The Vietnamese fought for their independence against French, Japanese, American, and Chinese military forces from 1919 to 1979.
Don't believe me? Consider the following citations on the matter.
What do these facts have to do with regulation of digital currencies? They are facts which clearly point to a desire to control, spy upon, and manipulate the American people. As part of that effort, they represent black marks in the long history of excesses by the USA government in its operations that benefit an oligarchy of financial and military contractor companies. So when you ask for government regulation, and I say that you are a racist war monger, perhaps you'll understand. You might choose to read more in a future blog post that I'm still composing regarding the deeper revelations of Edward Snowden, Chelsea/Bradley Manning, and others which have exposed a long and turgid history of corruption and abuse of power.
Or you might do what other Americans seem to prefer doing: ignore history, watch mainstream television, and pretend nothing is wrong. After all, if you trust the government to regulate financial services, if you trust the government to regulate out of existence all individual privacy, then what should we expect from you? Nothing good.